Different kinds of bound catalogs
Saddle Stitched Catalogs can be made as self cover meaning the cover is the same stock as the insides or have a thicker cover stock for enhanced quality and durability, Great for booklets, magazines, newsletters, event programs and more! Our professional saddle stitch binding offers a great finishing option for your documents.
Page range from 4 to 52 pages
Perfect binding gives your catalogs a more finished, refined look. A 10pt C1S cover (no coating) is bound with 80lb book (no coating) on the inside. The cover will be printed as 4:0 with the inside cover being blank and the inside of the booklet will be printed as 4:4. Perfect Bound Catalogs are perfect for catalogs, manuals, presentations and proposals.
Page range from 28 to 92 pages
To ensure the pagination is correct, the pages should be provided as single pages, not as spreads, except for 4 page and 6 page brochures where printer spreads are required. All elements, text and images that are not intended to bleed off need to be at least 0.25" from the cut line for safety. Artwork should have at least 0.25" bleed around.
NOTE: Even though Perfect Bound Booklets have a printable spine, we do not recommend creating spine-specific artwork. Backgrounds, designs or color that are part of the whole cover is recommended.
Our templates will show all hiddden marks and design help once dropped into illustrator.